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Athena von Williams

Athena update: 7-10-2008

After many xrays and tests we found out she had an Intussusception (the sliding or telescoping of the intestine within itself) which can be fatal if not treated in time. Athena had emergency surgery and is slowly recovering under 24 hour care at one of our vet hospitals. She's still not out of the woods and is extremely thin. Her Bilirubin is still high and her Albumin is low, but she is a fighter and we're praying that she gets well and has the happy life she so deserves. The 24/7 vet care is very expensive and we need your financial help to cover the cost. Please help us help this little sweetie pie to get the best medical care available.

Here are a few pictures of our sweetie pie as she's recovering at the vet's hospital. She's under 24 hour care and always in the presence of a vet and staff. She's in
good hands and now it's all up to her.

(scroll to the bottom to read more about Intussusception)

Volunteers visit her every day, bring her chicken and other goodies to get her to eat more. We take her out for little walks on the field next to the vet hospital and although she's still a little slow and a bit fragile, she seems to enjoy her little outings. One of the volunteers took a few pictures of her outside. Just look how skinny she is on the picture taken from above.
At the same time, look how pretty she is on her face shots. We can't wait to see that adorable face filled out and healthy instead of just seeing bones and her ribs sticking out.
Caring for Athena is very expensive and we need your financial help. But as our wonderful vet put it: Although she requires a lot of time and care right now, she is worth every second of their time. She's won everyone's heart at the hospital, is well loved and cared for by the staff. Many of them get so excited when they see a little improvement in her, they can't wait to tell us when we visit.

(When we first got her - July 1st, 2008)

Dogs are being abandoned everywhere! Some in deserts, others in backyards left to fend for themselves!

Athena is struggling for her life. She is a 2 year old German Shepherd and weighs 32 pounds, there is nothing left but bone. It is a miracle she is still a live. Right now she is getting emergency care, she is on an I.V. getting fluids back into her body, she has no protein to sustain her life, so she is on a plasma drip. She is getting all the supportive care they can give her. X-rays and ultra-sound show a blockage; she might have eaten garbage, anything to fill up her empty stomach. She has to be stabilized before surgery, otherwise she has no chance of coming out of the anesthetic. Please help us save this precious girl. She is one of the dogs who touchs everyone who meets her. It would be such a shame if her life ended here.


Intussusception of the Intestines

Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.

Intussusception is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening condition that can occur in dogs and cats of all ages. There are many different causes of this condition, several of which can be eliminated through good routine health practices. Treatment options are almost exclusively surgical. Surgery is often successful if the condition is caught early.

What is intussusception?

illustration of intussusceptionIntussusception is the sliding or telescoping of the intestine within itself. It occurs primarily in the small intestine but may occasionally occur in the large intestine. When the intestine slides within itself the blood supply to that section is greatly reduced and the tissue begins to swell and then die. The entire process can occur rapidly, which makes early detection and treatment essential.

Which animals are more prone to intussusceptions?

Puppies and kittens are the most likely ones to develop intussusception although it can occur in any age or species. There does not appear to be a specific breed predilection.

What causes intussusceptions?

There are several conditions that predispose a dog to developing an intussusception. Many of these conditions affect the motility of the intestine. Intussusception is seen more commonly in puppies carrying large numbers of intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, or whipworms. Viral (e.g., parvovirus in puppies) or bacterial gastroenteritis is another common cause. Pieces of plastic, bone or wood in the intestine of a dog can lead to the development of intussusception. Tumors or recent abdominal surgery may also contribute to the development of this condition.

What are the symptoms of intussusception?

When the small intestine telescopes into itself, movement of intestinal contents is partially or completely blocked, therefore, the dog or cat commonly vomits. Once the gastrointestinal tract behind the intussusception empties, stools are scant to none. Any fecal material that is passed is jelly-like, may be bloody, and not well formed. The appetite will be greatly depressed. The animal experiences severe abdominal pain, and eventually shock and then death.

How is intussusception diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually tentatively made based on the symptoms and the palpation of a firm sausage-shaped mass in the abdomen. Diagnosis is confirmed with x-rays (usually using barium) and possibly exploratory surgery.

What are the risks associated with an intussusception?

An intussusception is serious; left untreated, it will result in death. As the intestines telescope into one another, pressure restricts blood flow to the area. Portions of the intestines therefore may actually die, and toxins and bacteria may be released into the rest of the body.

What is the treatment of intussusception?

Treatment consists of either surgically 'sliding' the telescoping portion of the intestine apart, or complete surgical removal of the intussusception. The size of the intussusception, amount of damage to the tissues, and the length of time the animal has had the condition will dictate which procedure is used. Post surgically the animal will have to go through a normal recovery period. If the intussusception is caught soon enough and the animal undergoes a successful surgery, most will recover completely. One recent study suggested that up to 25% of dogs that develop an intussusception would have a reoccurrence in the future. There is a surgical procedure called 'enteroplication' in which the loops of intestine are attached to one another and thus reduces the incidence of reoccurrence in some pets.

What can be done to prevent an intussusception?

If the owner follows good deworming and vaccinating programs as well as preventing access to foreign bodies, the incidence of intussusception can be reduced. Early recognition and treatment of other intestinal diseases can also help minimize the chance of an intussusception. Finally, if the owner recognizes the symptoms of an intussusception early, and the animal receives prompt veterinary care, most animals can be successfully treated.


References and Further Reading

Bojrab, J. Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery, 4th edition. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, MD; 1990. 


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